Consider These Tips When Designing Your Direct Mail Piece


Our goal in this latest installment of postal blogs is to help you create mailings that meet all postal requirements and are cost effective. Read the tips below to see how you can avoid common pitfalls that may affect your mail piece.


Misplaced Markings

When you look at a piece of direct mail, you’ll see several markings on the envelope, card or mail panel. While they may mean nothing to your prospective customers, they’re important to delivering the mail and they need to go in specific places. These include:



Postage, which can be paid with a stamp, meter, or permit imprint, commonly goes in the top right corner. Information on the class of mail—for instance, First-Class Mail®, Marketing Mail™, or Nonprofit—must be printed as part of, directly below, or to the left of the permit imprint or stamp. The permit imprint is also commonly referred to as a postage block or indicia. It’s the most popular and convenient way to pay for postage, especially for high volume mailings.


Ancillary Service Endorsements

Endorsements are markings that tell the Postal Service what to do with mail if it can’t be delivered. For instance, you may want them to return it to you or provide you with address change information.



Barcodes contain a wealth of information that help USPS® track and route mail more efficiently. To receive automation price breaks, your mail pieces must have a delivery point barcode.


If you have a question, always ask!

Regulations can be confusing if you’re just starting out. To be sure your design will work, it’s a good idea to get in touch with us early in the process. We can tell you if the finished piece will be mailable and suggest ways to make it eligible for the lowest possible postage rates. By following these suggestions, you can design a mail piece that’s cost-effective and more importantly, reaches your prospective customers.

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